Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What would you like to be,an Android Developer or an Apple Developer?

       As we all known, the Apple company has successfully maintained their iphone and ipad application developers reputation and profit ability making through the unique security systems of their gadgets (like:Apple ipad and iphone) has. If you haven't know, yet this security system of theirs as I have researched functions like an automatic shutdown reformat system. This security system deletes non-market applications or an application not bought in itunes. In this technique the iphone and ipad application developers have successfully make profits of their own with their developed applications such as but not limited to: ipad/iphone utilty apps, ipad/iphone theme apps, and ipad/ipone games. 
       This is the reason why some developers choose to develop apple applications. But despite the said fact, there are still very many developers that prefer to develop android applications than to develop apple applications. Android applications can still be very profitable but as we already have known paid apps can be downloaded for free in a form called apk (android package). Thousands of sites offers free paid applications like apkmania.com, 1mobile.com, and more.
  All it takes to get paid apps for free is an addition of the word apk through the name of the application then you'll just have to google it and then thee you'll find hundreds of thouasands of websites. But of course its still is up to the future developers to choose which platform they are going to make their own applications. Which when that time comes, they will answer the question what would you like to be, an Android developer or an Apple IOS developer.

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